Sunday, May 25, 2008

Web 2.0 Award List Review

Going through the Web 2.0 awards was pretty cool. My favorite one was easy to identify. Since I fitness train many of the teams on our campus, the Health section drew my attention. I looked at a site called PEERtrainer and I was pumped! Not only was the site organized well but the focus was on exactly what any site dedicated to fitness should be focused on...motivation! I was impressed by all of the links and threads that were available and specific to keeping motivation at the heart of the site. There were links to individual, group, and team blogs, posts, and sites. There were links to success stories and links to hints on how to use the site more effectively. My favorite part was the "lounge" which was a section of the site that had a way to really inspire people and keep them moving forward in terms of their fitness. Knowing that this site focused on peers to help a person stay motivated and reach the level of fitness they desire made me think that some of the sites we have been exploring that are blog based, might be more valuable than I initially thought.

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